OmidNegar Seeking New Challenges in it's New Version 2.04.24
In it's brilliant path, OmidNegar releases new version 2.04.24 to accelerate users in professional engineering drawing and to invite all competitors to prove the outstanding structural drawing software.
Some of the main advantage in OmidNegar new version 2.04.24 are categories as follow:
- Added diamond stirrups for columns (Only available in advanced module)
- Capability for Manual and automatic relocation of texts in Beam and Column elevation drawings (Only available in advanced module)
- Added elevation view of frames (Only available in advanced module)
- Improvement in processing multi-file projects
- Capability of arranging beams in same frame below each other
- Draw MTO tables for beams and columns separately
- Show the elevation(s) of each beam plan beside the name of it in Details window
- Added Relabel all Floors
- Added Log when importing
- Improvement of calculating continuance bars for prevention of overlapping additional bars on each other (Can be selected by user)