Section 4: Training Films
Video of Quick Start Guide for Omid Negar:
Dynamic Drawing of Columns:
By newly added capability in Omid Negar, the beams which connect to columns will be shown as is on column elevation detail. It means even the slope of beam will be shown on column's elevation view.
Also the column elevation view can be shown by traditional method. In following video the switching between two methods (Dynamic and Traditional) are instructed.
How to create a new Title Block:
In Omid Negar, the customized title block for companies or technical offices can be added and output sheets can be generated using new added title blocks.
The details of how to create new title block is shown in following video.
How to add Bar Bending Schedule (Listofer):
In Omid Negar, the bar bending schedule of reinforcement bars can be added easily to output sheets. The bar bending schedule can be categorized based on story or type of members.
The details of how to add bar bending schedule to output sheets is shown in following video.