1. Setting the Used Units in Drawings
Based on size of paper which is A1 by default, all details will be arranged automatically in output sheets by the program. In 'Project' menu click on 'Project Settings' icon. In 'General' section of 'Settings' the used units can be defined. By default all the used units in program is millimeters. For example if using the millimeters as unit for 'Paper', the dimensions of paper will be in millimeters. It means that for A1 paper's length is 841 and the width is 594. Also in this section the unit of 'Dimension Lines' and 'Elevations' can be defined separately. The options are 'Millimeters', 'Centimeters' and 'Meters' which can be selected by user.
2. The Material Take-off Tables
The principal output tables which can be generated by Omid Negar are: Bar-Bending Schedule (Listofer), Table of Concrete Volume, Table of Formwork area, Table of Joists of Roof.
Table of MTO (Material Take-off) can be generated for each member separately, for example each column or each beam or each concrete wall. Also the MTO table can be generated for each story separately or for whole structure.
For generating the MTO tables in 'Project' menu click on 'Material Take Off (MTO)' icon. The program lists all of the structure's members, all of beams in each story, all of the columns, and whole of structure (Total). By double clicking on each item, the MTO table of the item will be generated by program and shown to the user.
3. Using the Codes and Standards by Program
For following items the codes and standards will be followed completely by Omid Negar:
a. Rebars Development Length
b. Length and properties of Hooks
c. Bar Bending in special area of beams
d. Bar Bending in L0 area of columns
e. Bar Bending based on ductility of structure (Ordinary, Intermediate, Special)
For applying the above mentioned code items, in 'Home' menu click on 'Load Model Data' icon to import a new strutural model. In 'Project's Predefinition' Section you can select the code which is 'ACI318-14', 'ACI318-19' or 'INBC No.9'. Also structure's ductility can be selected for Beams, Columns and Walls separately (Ordinary, Intermediate and Special). Also Specified Compressive Strength of Concrete (fc) and Yield Stress of Stirrups and Main Rebars can be selected for Beams, Columns and Walls separately. The drawings will be generated based on above mentioned data.
4. Some Advanced Settings in Program
In some cased, some items may needs to be changed based on designer's judgement. Omid Negar gives the designer this ability to apply these changes. Some items which can be changed by user are:
Changing the Rebars Development Length and Hook Specifications: For changing these specifications which is calculated by program based on code, in 'Project' menu click on 'Project Settings' Icon. In opened window click on Hooks or Development & Lap Splices on Left Tree View. In opened sheets following lengths can be changed: Ldh, Lh(90°), Lh(135°), Lh(180°), Ld, Lap-Splice for Main and Transverse rebars. Please be noted that any change of data by user causes a tick to be added at left side of rebar's Length column which shows that the user selected values other than calculated by program based on code.
Changing the Rebars Development Length and Hook Specifications: For changing these specifications which is calculated by program based on code, in 'Project' menu click on 'Project Settings' Icon. In opened window click on Hooks or Development & Lap Splices on Left Tree View. In opened sheets following lengths can be changed: Ldh, Lh(90°), Lh(135°), Lh(180°), Ld, Lap-Splice for Main and Transverse rebars. Please be noted that any change of data by user causes a tick to be added at left side of rebar's Length column which shows that the user selected values other than calculated by program based on code.
Adjusting the Overall Appearance of Drawings: For setting the drawing layers, changing the text styles and dimension styles, you must go to 'Project Settings' and then select the 'Drawing' sub-items.
Adjusting Some Details in Drawings: You can change the predefined drawing scales, template of title of details, properties of dimension lines and position of them, color and layer of each element of drawing, text styles and other similar properties at your own desire. For this purpose, go to 'Project Settings' window. then select 'Concrete Beam', 'Concrete Column' or 'Shear Wall' sub-items based on detail which you want to change the appearance, and then change every item as your desire for customizing the detail drawings.
5. Dynamic Changing of Details in Drawings
Be aware that every change in any part of drawing, automatically and immediately updates all sheets and details which have relevance to changed detail. For example in 'Project' menu click on 'Edit Grids' icon. Then change the properties of horizontal axis (X-Grid) or vertical axis (Y-Grid) which are Name, Ordinate, and Visibility. After clicking OK all of details including Plans, Views and details sense the change and will be updated.
Or if you change a beam's name, immediately the beam's name changes in Floor Plans. This will be applied for columns and walls same as beams. Also if you delete a section of beam, the cut symbol on beam's elevation view will be deleted or if you add a section of beam, the cut symbol on beam's elevation view will be added. This ability is available for columns and walls also.
Categorizing of column sections will be immediately updated after changes. It means if a section of a column changes in either dimensions or arrangement of rebars, the program automatically re-categorizes all columns sections in all stories considering the applied changes.
6. Check the Structure
In Omid Negar, all structural members will be checked for following items and if there is any problem, it will be alarmed to user:
- Checking the minimum allowable clear spacing between longitudinal rebars of columns (ACI318 25.2.3)
- Controlling As/Ag in columns (ACI318
- Controlling the dimensions of column section with below story
- Checking the dimensions of columns sections for special moment frames (ACI318
- Checking the minimum allowable clear spacing between longitudinal rebars of beams (ACI318 25.2.1)
- Controlling the maximum allowable rows of longitudinal bars in beams based on designer's settings
- Checking the dimensions of beams sections for special moment frames (ACI318
Please be noted that checking the structure is only available in Advanced module.